Star Project (name pending) is a team-based, multiplayer TPS-Z* game in development, built with Unreal Engine 5.It consists of 3 main branches: Battle Missions, City Hub, and Space Flight.

*third-person shooter w/ vertical movement

I've seen it in a dream...

© 2024



What is the game called?
A name hasn't been decided yet. For general purposes it's referred to as Star Project as the initial project file was.
When is the release date?
I've heard there is a massive studio behind this.
How many people are working on it?

Will there be a playtest?
Sure. Whenever it feels right to do so. The first internal playtest went smoothly with only having forgotten to give the other team any good weapons.
What happens after release?
I'm a big fan of the minimal viable product model. That means releasing a minimal playable game (various features already take it passed minimal) and continuing to add to it after. And this is a passion project, not dependent upon how it's received. It's something I want to play. And I want it to be something I can play even if no one else likes it.
Will there be single-player or multi-player?
The primary focus of the game is (1) multiplayer PVP with PVE elements. I want to have (2) solo exploration activities, such as exploring space for resources, and possibly (3) survival activities, such as camping on an unknown planet.
What platforms will be supported?
Right now PC is the focus. With controller and flight stick support.
How can we support this project?
There is a Patreon you can join. You can show support with your interest and feedback, and by sharing any media with others so they can know it exists. If you have any relevant skills, you may be able to do so that way. If you have a big pile of money you need to get rid of feel free to contact directly.
Is this another crowd-funded empty promise?
Well it's not crowdfunded. (Be cooler if it was.) And there is no publisher funding in the background.
Are you hiring or plan to expand into a team?
My own role is voluntary as well. I like the idea of expanding into a small team eventually. Anything now would be voluntary.
Will it be mod friendly?
At this time I don't know about those kind of things. If someone does, I'd be willing to get into it. Every game needs a zombie version.
I'm a content creator! Can I get XYZ?
Definitely. Reach out. I'm sure there is some secret insight I can reveal.
Can I interview you?
Where can we stay updated?
As of now, this link is updated almost daily.
That's the best place for the most up to date insight.
This website will see occasional-rare updates.You can follow my personal Youtube for future dev vlogs and X for future updates. A heads up though, there are some very old videos there that don't reflect the state of this project at all! They do have a certain charm, and it will be interesting to see where things started.

Everything is voluntary at this time.Level Design - Outdoor landscapes, base and ship interior, spacescapes. This is an area I'd love to have additional attention on. Level design is a high priority.Community/Marketing - Are you a fan of social media? I'm not. Do you like making videos? I don't. 👽 (I'll get into the swing of things eventually.) This is big importance, someone that can spend time sharing. It's takes a lot of time away from development to make videos and nurture a community.3D Modeling - I have in mind (1) specific character models and (2) vehicles that are to be made as part of bringing the greater vision together, in time. Additional sci-fi weapons, architecture, props... I am more of a Frankenstein than a dedicated sculptor.Voice ActingSFX - Vehicle sounds (1) and weapons (2) in particular. Sound can always be improved and I'm a major fan of good sound effects.Writer - Want to write some sci-fi lore or craft extraordinary tooltips?Animator - Character to vehicle transitions would be sweet, and improvement to in air-character animations.Music - I make music too. Someone else that can dedicate more focus to music would be great, whether original or expanding on ideas I've started.Anything else? Send transmission....


Discord contact @astaraa
Server underway.
X @TheStarProject


Concept, Prototype


Primarty Testing

Release (Early Access)

Post Release Development


Initial release is intended to be a minimal viable playable model, with ongoing updates and refinement to follow.

Flyable attack ships, ground transport vehicles, tanks, flying and grounded drones, hoverbikes...
Game Modes
Base Defense
Social Hub
Space Flight
Survival 🧪
This is a vital piece of your arsenal. Take care of it and use it well.
Weapon Modification
Customize your weapons.
At this time, initial release will either be free or fairly low, with a market for additional items later on. I believe market items are better at lower prices than what we normally see in games today. I don't believe in fair market value. I believe in good prices.
This is a passion project that doesn't rely on outside funding.
This is a PC focused game. Other platforms will be considered later on. Controllers and flight sticks are supported.

Initial characters include, masculine and feminine medium armor, heavy armor.
Communicate with voice command keys. Optional voice styles.Play preference
There are different roles to play how and when you see fit. Attack, defense, infiltration & disruption, repairs, recon, command, transportation. So even if you aren't the best shooter or just aren't feeling it that day, there are other ways to play.
There are PVE elements within the PVP environment. The goal is an enjoyable experience even for minimal to no players and to not be multiplayer dependent, even though it is a multiplayer focused game.
For live streamers
As a streamer myself, I envision deep chat integration; ways in which viewers can affect or participate in your game environment - through chat, through donations, and channel points. As a multiplayer game, it will be in a way as to not to interfere with your teammates' experiences.